
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

tried tested and true

things to say to get ANY guy - friend, acquaintance, or boyfriend - to stop talking to you.

1. No i will not share your bed.
2. No i will not have sex with you.
3. No i will not move in with you.
4. Back the hell off, I don't like you!

Monday, June 27, 2005

shoot shoot shoot

i just realized thati forgot to get my new driver's licence this morning. it runs out on midnight tonight. actually it ran out on saturday. damn. oh well i guess that's a tomorrow morning type thing.

as for the week.

today - work 1-5
tuesday - off, licence, misty and sav's grad thing-y as far as i know right now
wednesday - dinner theatre feast "separate housewives", sleep over thingy a la cottage
thursday - work 1-5 ish, chtown for festival of lights concert
friday - possible edging at the heritage
saturday -
sunday - work 1-10

that's all for now, i'm outta here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

32 flavors
ani difranco

squint your eyes and look closer i am not between you and your ambition i am a poster girl with no poster i am 32 flavors and then some and i'm beyond your peripheral vision so you might want to turn your head someday you are gonna get hungry and eat most of the words you just said both my parents taught me about good will and i have done well by their names just by kindess i've lavished on strangers is more than i can explain still there's many who've turned out their porch lights just so i would think they were not home and hid in the dark of their window till i passed and left them alone god help you if you are an ugly girl 'course to pretty is also your doom 'cause everyone harbours a secret hatred for the prettiest girl in the room god help you if you are a pheonix and you dare to rise up from the ash a thousand eyes will smoulder with jealousy while you're just flying i never tried to give my life meaning by de-meaning you and i would like to state for the record i did everything that i could do i'm not saying that i am a saviour i just don't wanna live that way i'll never be a saint no but i will always say squint your eyes and look closer i am not between you and your ambitions i am a poster girl with no poster i am 32 flavors and then some and i'm beyond your peripheral vision so you might want to turn your head someday you might find you are starving and eating all of the words that you said

so, chtown the other day was mostly good. we had a really grrrrrrrrrrreat time. got 2 new books.... killer summer and the true meaning of cleavage (not as good as i had been expecting), and a new shirt which i love, but i've learned it's not a good shirt to fall asleep in.

as for last night which was supposed to be spent at pat and willy's - it wasn't. blah. i decided to reschedule cause i really wanted mark to be there and then didn't he get off work early and could have went in the end grr. lol ah well t'is life, i s'pose. so instead of being in ch'town with friends i fell asleep at 5 last night, woke up at 11, went back to bed at midnight, and woke up around 10 this morning. totally well rested now - i had better be lol, i don't know if i could sleep any more right now if i had too. i definitely need to get back into a routine.

hmm - when i woke up last night my dad mentioned to me that the battery was dead in my car - someone must have left the lights on or something they said... but the thing is that the last time i used it was at like 2 in the afternoon... which would mean i wouldn't have turned the lights on which would mean that someone else was using my car, or something i dunno. other than that i guess i have to get the fan belt? replaced or something. *sigh* i just don't have the cash.

for today - i guess i will get my licence renewed IFF (if if and only if) i can scrounge up the money, i might have to wait till friday when i actually get paid. having hardly any money sucks. i really have to marry rich :P also, i had planned to write my anatomy test on monday but somehow that didn't get done. i should go up to the cottage where i'll have no distractions. (like food, heat, and enough space to turn around in :P) i dropped in for an hour or so yesterday to hook up the computer but i have abs-o-lute-ly no room for it. however, i did manage to hook up the old super nintendo and spent 45 minutes or so playing donkey kong. i miss the old days when we just all got together and did stupid stuff like that all day...................

tomorrow - guess that i will be working at le dairy for a couple of hours... ick. but hey money's money. anyway, it's just till 5. i'll probably head up to the cottage for a while afterward.

anywho, i'm outta here for now i guess.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Just getting home from work... I once found a list of don't do's when ordering ice cream on Leslie's blog and have decided to add to it after today.

- Be polite. You teach your kids that "gimme gimme never gets" yet you still think it's okay to tell me "gimme ice cream." What are you, two?

- If you're even slightly nice to me, I'll bend over backwards to make you happy. Once your rude to me, forget it, all bets are now off.

- If it takes longer than thirty seconds for you to get your order don't be pissed at me. I'd get it to you sooner, but I assumed you wanted "ice cream" in your cone, and not milk. It does take our machine about a minute to actually FREEZE the ice cream.

- Please don't ask me "how much is that" immediately after ordering 6 or 7 things. I have to add it all up by hand, and contrary to popular belief, I cannot do that in my head in less than 2 seconds. So if you will wait maybe 15 seconds, I promise I will tell you how much everything costs. Trust me, I am not planning on letting you leave without charging you.

- If you are lonely and need to talk, I don't want you to come talk to me two minutes before closng time at 9:58. There are phone lines. Call them and waste their time.

- If you have children under 5 and you think it would be cute to send them up to order for your family of 5, think again, please. They will run back to the car at least 3 times before they know what they want. Do us all a favor and get up off your ass and do it yourself.

- On the subject of kids, if you think it's cute when your 2 year old takes 3 minutes to decide whether she wants "white" or "brown" ice cream, it's not. I don't think so, and neither do the 3 people waiting in line behind you.

- Don't assume that if you are short a couple of dollars that I will just give you what you ordered. When you're dealing with orders under ten dollars I don't feel I should cut you any slack because you "only have $5 and don't want to go back to the bank" and want 7 or 8 dollars worth of stuff. Come on now.

- I do not work at Dairy Queen. I work at the Dairy Royal. Not connected in the least. Which is why we don't carry any of their products. And when you ask *why* we don't have ice cream cakes like DQ does, and I say because we're *not* DQ, that should be enough to answer your question.


I feel soooooooo much better.

Hmm. So tomorrow off to the big city of Charlottetown. I am having withdrawals. It must be what, like a week and a half since I've been there last :P
So here I was, all comfy cozy in bed. I had my window open quite a bit which is something i don't usually do, but I didn't think too much about it. There *was* a screen in it. And something tickles my leg. I brush it away assuming its a cotton fuzzy or something equally as dangerous. Turns out to be a june bug............. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-yuck! I *hate* those things. So now I'm stuck here, afraid to get back into bed in case another one managed to finangle it's way into my humble abode.

La-de-da. So here was my day. Awakened at 11 a.m. by Amanda calling. Now. As I remember it, yesterday when we made plans to do shopping and lunch, I was going to call her at 11:30. But that is beyond the point :P Anyway, after my rude awakening, lol, I got up and ready for the day. Amanda and Cindy came to get me and we went to KFC and then did the so-called malls of Summerside. I was looking for a new dress but it turns out Summerside shopping really isn't conducive to that.

Me, and Amanda, and Mark were supposed to go to Peake's tonight and I was totally looking forward to it, but instead am I here hallucinating more june bugs in my pj's. Turns out Amanda is going to go to all of Murph's bro's fiance's bachelorette party instead of just making an appearance, and Mark's cashflow isn't... flowing that is.

So, once again, being me, I managed to get all my wires crossed. Apparently I work tomorrow 5-10 and Tuesday 1-5. Sounds easy enough, eh. But I managed to think it was nothing tomorrow and monday 1-6. Sigh. One of these days.

OoO bonus. Going to Pat and Willy's on Tuesday night for my birthday. Tres happy re that. It'll be nice to see some people again. Hopefully they show up and tht line from "what's my age again" is not an omen... "Nobody likes you when you're twenty three" :P

Well, I think by now if I'm not brave enough to go back to bed, I never will be, and on that note I am signing off.

Friday, June 03, 2005

x = yes.
[x] made out in the rain
[] smoked a cigarette
[] smoked a cigar
[] made out with a member of the same sex
[] crashed a friend's car
[] stolen a car
[x] been dumped
[] shoplifted
[] been fired
[] been in a fist fight
[x] snuck out of your parent's house
[x] had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
[] been arrested
[x] made out with a stranger
[] gone on a blind date
[x] lied to a friend
[x] had a crush on a teacher
[x] skipped school classes
[] seen someone die
[x] been on a plane
[x] seen Rocky Horror Picture Show 
[x] thrown up in a public place
[] purposely set a part of myself on fire
[x] eaten sushi
[x] met someone in person from the internet
[] been moshing at a concert
[] had real feelings for someone you knew only online
[x] taken painkillers
[x] slapped someone
[x] laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
[x] made a snow angel
[] had a tea party
[x] flown a kite
[x] built a sand castle
[x] gone puddle jumping
[x] played dress up
[x] jumped into a pile of leaves 
[] gone snowboarding
[x] cheated while playing a game
[x] been lonely
[] fallen asleep at work/school
[] used a fake id
[x] watched the sun set
[] felt an earthquake
[x] touched a snake
[x] slept beneath the stars
[x] been tickled
[x] been misunderstood
[x] won a contest
[x] ran a red light
[] been suspended from school
[x] been in a car accident
[] had braces
[x] felt like an outcast
[] eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
[x] had deja vu
[x] danced in the moonlight
[x] hated the way you look
[x] witnessed a crime
[] pole danced
[] been obsessed with post-it notes
[x] squished barefoot through the mud
[x] been lost
[] been to the opposite side of the country
[x] swam in the ocean
[x] felt like dying
[x] cried yourself to sleep
[x] played cops and robbers
[x] recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
[] sang karaoke
[x] paid for a meal with only coins
[x] done something you told yourself you wouldn't
[] made prank phone calls
[x] laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
[x] caught a snowflake on your tongue
[x] danced in the rain
[x] written a letter to santa claus
[x] watched the sun rise with someone you care about
[x] blown bubbles
[x] made a bonfire on the beach
[] crashed a party
[x] gone rollerskating
[x] had a wish come true
[x] worn pearls
[] jumped off a bridge
[x] screamed "penis!" in public
[] ate dog/cat food
[] told a complete stranger you loved them
[] kissed a mirror
[x] sang in the shower
[x] have a little black dress
[x] had a dream that you married someone
[] glued your hand to something
[] got your tongue stuck to a flag pole
[] kissed a fish
[x] worn the opposite sexes clothes
[] been a cheerleader
[x] sat on a roof top
[x] screamed at the top of your lungs
[] done a one-handed cartwheel
[x] stayed up all night
[] didnt take a shower for a week
[x] pick and ate an apple right off the tree
[x] climbed a tree
[] had a tree house
[x] are scared to watch scary movies
[x] believe in ghosts
[x] have more than 30 pairs of shoes
[] worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say 
[] gone streaking
[] played ding-dong-ditch
[] played chicken
[] been pushed into a pool/lake with all your clothes on
[x] been told you're beautiful by a complete stranger
[] broken a bone
[x] been easily amused
[] caught a fish then ate it
[] watched porn 
[] caught a firefly
[x] laughed so hard you cried
[x] cried so hard you laughed
[] mooned/flashed someone
[x] had someone moon/flash you
[] cheated on a test
[] own a britney spears cd
[x] forgotten someones name
[x] slept naked
[] french braided someones hair
[] been so happy it hurt
[x] been so sad it hurt
Currently listening to: A Toast to Men -- Willa Ford

had planned on being in charlottetown today, but leslie wanted me to work a few hours for her later on, and god knows i can't turn down a few extra hours at this point.

jessica's birthday today... hard to believe she is 16 today. Sigh. I feel old.

hehe this is funny..

The Assuming Song
There was an old farmer who lived on a rock
he sat in the meadow just shaking his
fist at some boys who were down by the crick
their feet in the water their hands on their
marbles and playthings and at half past four
there came a young lady she looked like a
pretty young creature she sat on the grass
she pulled up her dress and she showed them her
ruffles and laces and white fluffy duck
she said she was learning a new way to
bring up her children so they would not spit
while the boys in the barnyard were shovelling
refuse and litter from yesterday's hunt
while the girl in the meadow was rubbing her
eyes at the fellow down by the dock
he looked like a man with a sizable
howe in the country with a big fence out front
if he asked her politely she show him her
little pet dog who was subject to fits
and maybe she'd let him grab hold of her of her
small tender hands with a movement so quick
and then she'd bend over and suck on his
candy so tasty made of butterscotch
and then he'd spread whip cream all over her
cookies that she had left out on her shelf
if you think this is dirty
you can go fuck yourself