
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I don't wanna learn the hard way...


SIgh, feels like everytime I write in this lately, I am sad. Last night, I got a blast of reality. Why am I always the other woman? For, once I want to be the actual girlfriend.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

All I really want... Is a soulmate... Someone else to catch this drift...


Hmm. Quick Update.

Due to the events of next week, I will be working all through the weekend. Again. Argh.

Birthday Countdown. 8 days till 22...

Just bought a digital camera this morning, actually.

Blah Blah Blah.

On my way out the door, More later tonight, I imagine.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Walking on sunshine... and don't it feel good!

Having a great day all ready... Went shopping... Lol... of course that would make me happy :D hehe. Bought some fun new underwear yay. And some funky new beads... Not too thrilling but we had a good morning...

Anywho... I'm off to work...

Tomorrow off :D Sweet... finally a Sunday to myself...

Saturday, June 12, 2004

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.
- Janos Arany (1817-82), Hungarian poet

Well, got the dream part right now... I'm sure love will fall into the plan whenever its ready :D

I got my book in the mail today. Completely published :D I am completely shell-shocked!!! Flying on cloud nine....

Anyone interested? Drop me an email....

Friday, June 11, 2004

"Bottom line. That's my opinion. And it's right!"

Argh. Fuck you too, eh? That is not the way to end a discussion. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and no one should be able to say shit like that. Argh Argh Argh. Bah. Maybe shouldn't have locked horns, but too late for that now... Sigh.


Thursday, June 10, 2004

Yay! My car is all fixed and finally road-worthy :D Well, techinically not MY car. But I will have it for the summer, yay yay yay! That means, Moving up to the cottage, either this weekend, or early next week.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Another day, Another dollar

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.
  --Oliver Wendell Holmes

Sigh. It's Sunday morning and Je suis travaille encore. I hate working Sundays. They are always crazy busy. I have worked the last 4 in a row, I believe. Blah Blah Blah. Enough whining.

My poetry book has officially been printed! Yay me! I am so excited and cannot wait to get it. It was shipped on Friday, so I am assuming that it won't take longer than 2 weeks to get here... *crossing my fingers*... with any luck, I will have it before the week is out! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)

Anywho, I'm outta here.

Posted by stars5/allyson_young at 12:00 PM

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

So true...

We seek the comfort of another. Someone to share and share the life we choose. Someone to help us through the never-ending attempt to understand ourselves. And in the end, someone to comfort us along the way.
- Marlin Finch Lupus

Sleepy me

So after 5 hours of monotonous work for Elections Canada... I am going back for another 5 tomorrow... possibly 10... not too bad actually.

An extra $100-150 this week that I wasn't expecting so yay me!

But now. Sleep sounds good. Plus I took a gravol and it is very close to knocking me out.
