-Leslie and Jessica woke me up at 6:30. In the morning.
-Did the presents thing.
-Left for O'leary, hmm, probably 10:15ish
-Went to the farm. My family + Gram and Gramp, Patrick, Justin, Ron, Theresa, Florence, Darcy, Rachel, David, Marion, Steve... hope I'm not missing anyone...
-Christmas dinner at the farm... mmm :D
-Watched some old home movies
-Did the presents thing
-Left about 4 for Gram Daisy's. My family + Gram, Patrick, Christopher, Ashley, Mary, Pat, John, Jason, Michael, Stephanie... again, hope I got everyone!
-Did the presents thing
-Christmas supper
-Left about 7
-HOME @ 8ish :D
Somewhere in the midst of that, I heard way too much about my relatives sex lives, learned how to best beat someone up, got a glass of wine spilled all over me, stuck my foot in my mouth (several times) :P