
Monday, April 04, 2005

Unwanted :P

So I show up at work this morning, and there is nothing to do. Neither one of the doctors was in, and everything was caught up. We looked for someone else that I could put in the day with, but they were in the same position. Lol. So I offered to come in tomorrow, instead, when both of the doctors will be in and we will be busy. And then I had to come to Charlottetown. I feel like I am stuck in quicksand, and that I can't get out, I just keep sinking further and further into it. My progress review in on Friday at 2 in the afternoon. Here's my "week" plans. This afternoon... write med filing assessment... Tuesday... OJT... Wednesday... OJT... Thursday... hand in pharmacology assignment... Friday... progress review... planes and regions assessment... Hopefully sometime in there my tax money will come. *Cross your fingers* I called Friday and it was processed so now it's just a matter of time before I get it.. yay!! And the job-hunt is still on. I have no clue what will be going on this summer... As long as I have SOMETHING,I guess I won't be too upset...


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