
Saturday, October 22, 2005

*name: Allyson Young

*screen name: (*) Allyson... If you want me to act like THAT, you gotta pay me by the HOUR... (*)

*sex: I'm a girl.

*is your hair long or short: Kinda medium.

*location now: Summerside.

*parents married/divorced: Married.

*who knows the most about you?: Amanda, Les, Jess.

*do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: I do, yes.

*do you believe in God: Yes.

*Do you believe in love at first sight?: Nope. I do believe in *Lust* at first sight, though.

*what is your favorite tv show: I don't know. I love all those dorky reality TV shows, Will and Grace, That 70's Show, of course Sex and the City, Gilmore Girls, Dawson's Creek. Yeah, I'm so cool. <--- me too

*what color tooth brush do you use?: Purple.

*is the glass half empty or half full: I'm not drinking anything :P


*what are you scared of: failure, dark, rejection

*who's your role model: Hmmm... I don't really know if I have one.

*most interesting thing you've done this past summer: Um. Lol. I pierced my tongue :P

*what store do you shop at the most: Eclipse. Suzy Shier.

*do you collect anything: Shoes.

*are you a ditz: Nuh-uh.


*been in love?: Yes.

*lied?: Oh, once or twice.

*cheated on a test?: Nope.

*cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Never.

*tied your shoes together?: nope.


*1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: Hair.

*who is your best friend of the opposite sex?: Matt.

*what do you look for in the opposite sex? Someone who's nice to me, and to everyone else. They have to be sweet and a bit of a romantic. We should have some things in common, I don't want someone who's all into gothic heavy metal scary music. He should give hugs alllll the time, miss me like crazy and tell me so. But he should also give me space, and respect my time with other friends and schoolwork. <--- I like this answer


*best feeling in the world: Isn't that kinda obvious? Being happy.

*can you define love?: Nah. My version is so different than everyone else's, why even bother? <-- good answer

*do you get along with your parents?: I do, yes.

*are you ticklish?: SIgh. Yes.

* were you named after anyone: Someone on a soap opera.

* when did you last cry: At my grandfather's funeral in September.

* what is your favorite lunch meat: Je ne sais pas.

* when is your birthday: June 25.

* what is your most embarassing cd: Johnny Favorite Swing Orchestra

* are you a dare devil: No, not really.

* do looks matter: To a degree.

* how do you release anger: I write poetry. I cry, I bury myself in schoolwork, I take it out on other people, I yell into pillows, I throw things... man, I should be seeing a psychiatrist. <-- apparently I should be too, cuz I do all the same things :P

* where is your second home: Um, over the summer it would have been my cottage... these days it seems to be Matt's.

* do you use sarcasm a lot: Occasionally.

* what are your nicknames: Al, Ally, etc

* would you bungee jump: Yep, someday.

* do you untie your shoes when you take them off: Rarely.

* do you think your strong: Not physically. And only sort of emotionally.

* whats your favorite ice cream flavour: chocolate chip cookie dough

* shoe size: 8.

* favorite color: Blue.

* least favorite thing about yourself: I like ALL of me.

* what color pants are you wearing: Blue jeans.

* what are you listenin to: She will be loved -- Maroon 5

* how are you today: Not bad.

* favorite drink: anything with vodka in it.

* favorite sport: i don't do sport.

* hair color: Brown

* eye color: Brown

* do you wear contacts: nope

* favorite food: Chinese

* last movie you watched: Flight Plan.

* summer or winter: Summer.

* favorite dessert: Theresa's cheesecake... mmmm :)

* what did you watch on tv last night: i didn't

* single or taken: Taken.

* sign: Cancer.

* height: 5'4"

* any tattoos or pierceings: My nose, my tongue, and I have a tattoo of a butterfly on my lower back.

* where do you want to get married: Same place as my parents.


* loved someone so much it made you cry: Yes.

* broken a bone: Nah.

* played truth er dare: Once or twice *blushes*

* been in a physical fight: Yeah right.

* been in a police car: ...YEs...

* been on a plane: Yeah.

* came close to dying: not really.

* been in a sauna: nope

* been in a hot tub: nada

* swam in the ocean: Of course.

* cursed: Yeah... I'm seriously trying to cut back on it...

* got your heart broken: Yeah, I have.

* broke someones heart: Unlikely.

* went against what your parents said: Once or twice.

* dyed your hair: Yeah. Regretted it majorly.

* hated yourself: Sorta.

* danced in public: mhmm

* sang in public: maybe

* worn a dress: Of course.

* worn a suit: Nope.

* made someone cry: yah

* said you hated someone and meant it: No, hate is a very harsh word.

* talked to yourself: Always.

* driven a car: Yes.

* been in a car accident: Yeah, a few.


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