
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Finished my OJT yesterday and got a highly unexpected honorarium. I couldn't believe it!!! Tres exciting.

Had to come to Charlottetown today for a sesson on Stress and Empowerment which actually turned out to be a genuinely good presentation. I truly enjoyed myself. Which is definitely surprising. The only problem is that it ended early so now I am stuck here for another hour and a half. Ah well, there is always a bright side and at the very least I am catching up on my blog :P

Still looking for a job... no big prospects on the horizon at the moment but I have stopped caring.

Here's something to think about...

"Thinking positive only makes us become more resentful and depressed" Seem totally unreasonable? I thought so at first but it makes sense after you think about it. Its just not right to think only positive thoughts all the time, it's just not possible. But when we do think negative thoughts we think that there is something wrong with us, so we try to bottle them up and that only makes it worse...

I think I want to shave all the hair off my head. Or at least get an inch or two cut off :P Maybe later tonight... We shall see, we shall see.

I am totally exhausted. I am done travelling so far to get to school in the morning. I have done this for way too long -- 5 years. SIgh. I wonder why I never moved down here. If I had, I would be home now.

I am so sick of always feeling so fake and phony. How come other people can say what is on their mind and it makes sense and others see there side and agree, but when I say what is on mind, people look at me funny and kind of change the subject? It's like my opinion is so far out in left field that it doesn't deserve a response. I mean, I know I can sometimes be the devil's advocate, but it's not like I believe it or would do it myself. Honest.

Sigh. I think I'm gonna go search the job bank.


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