
Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Just another Manic Monday...

I wish it was 11:00 tomorrow night. All in good time, I suppose.

I just got an email back from my prof who is deciding to go ahead with his exam tomorrow (worth 33%!) when we didn't even get to have a lecture last Thursday due to the storm. Bah humbug. Which is stupid because his exams are all based on lecture. Which we didn't have Thursday. No lecture. But it's all on the test. Grr.

Yeah, well that's one. I have another one, but I'm not nearly quite as concerned with that one. I've been ready to write it since before Spring Break but it keeps on getting cancelled... not that I'm complaining. I'm not. Not by far. I'm quite much ready for it, is all.

So. Above and beyond the two tests, I have a paper due, I have to slide review (yuck), and I have an online quiz. Not to mention that I have to set up two meetings, and get more people to answer my lovely questionnaire. Hardly anyone has answered it so far, and my time is running out tres rapidement!!!!

Wow, well I guess that I just needed a little rant there. I should probably go study, but it's been a long day. Je suis fatigue. Je pense que ca je vais aller a mon lit. L'examen et demain a 1. Beacoup temps d'etudie.

Someday I will actually learn francais.


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