
Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Using band names, or singers spell out your name:
A - lanis Morisette
L - illix
L - ifehouse
Y - ellowcard
S - heryl Crow
O - ur Lady Peace
N - atalie Imbruglia

Have you ever had a song written about you? Possibly :P

What song makes you cry? Aerosmith's Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. Almost Always. Sigh. Stupid Memories.
What do you like to listen to before bed? Silence. But my grandmother gave me this thing that plays the sound of the ocean a couple of years ago... the sound of water is so comforting :)

height:  5'4ish

hair color: Brown.

skin color: White.

eye color: Brown.

piercing: One in my nose.

tattoos: One on my lower back, a butterfly.

what color pants are you wearing?: blue pajama pants... with monkeys on them

what song are you listening to?: Not a Pretty Girl

broken the law: who hasn't?

snuck out of the house: once or twice ;)

ever gone skinny dipping: nope

made a prank phone call: nah

ever tipped over a porta potty: lol no

used your parents' credit card before: yep

skipped school before: Yeah

fell asleep in the shower/bath: Umm... no.

been in a school play: yeah a couple

let a friend cry on your shoulder: of course
l o v e

boyfriend/girlfriend: nada

had a hard time getting over someone: yeah.. you could say that...

been hurt: yeah, too many times to want to remember

your greatest regret: I don't really have any.. I try not to regret things, just learn from them

r a n d o m

do you have a job: blah yeah.

your cd player has in it right now: Mix cd

if you were a crayon what color would you be?: Blue

what makes you happy: quite a bit, I like to think of myself as a generally happy person

who makes you happiest: depends on my mood

what's the next cd you're going to get?: Alanis Morisette

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t

time you cried: I woke up crying this morning actually, from a really bad dream.

you got e-mail: Yesterday

thing you purchased: Ooooh! Yesterday, I bought this really great black and white skirt thaty is all flowy and floofy. I love it!


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