
Saturday, February 14, 2004

Sigh... That Day Again

That infamous day of St.Valentine's has rolled around again. I can't think of a more useless "holiday." If you're not seeing someone, it serves as yet another reminder of that fact. And, you spend the day hashing over the past relationships of the year eating cookie dough ice cream and trying to figure out just what's wrong with you, and why you're spending this day alone. If you are seeing someone, it is a defining day. It can only cause trouble. Cause what if you feel one way, and he feels another? What if you both feel the same way except you're just on different wavelengths? Why do you have to give each other anything, anyway? If you love each other, why do you need a special day to say that you do? Hmm... what a senseless day. Still, It's hard not to imagine my knight in shining armor rescuing me from the day...


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